Rules of the Kitchen
My kitchen is a bit of a sanctuary for me. I really enjoy cooking when I have time to do it at a relaxed pace. When I am in there I generally have some very danceable music playing. Good food plus good tunes makes me a happy girl. In order to maintain it as a place that relaxes me I have just 2 simple rules. If I am in the kitchen working and you enter you must be prepared to
1. Help me cook
2. Dance with me
A warning will be issued if visitors do not immediately comply. Continued refusal to participate in aforementioned activities will result in a forceable ejection from the premises. The management does not assume responsibility for any resulting damages.
I don't care which one you pick, I leave it to your discretion. Optimally, you'll choose both but I am satisfied with one or the other. One day, my then 13 year old daughter wandered into the doorway, careful not to cross from the carpet to the tile since she had no desire to cook or dance. I continued happily stirring the marinara and getting a little grind going while Santana's "Jingo" played. The child watched then commented, "Gee, Mom. All you need is a pole!"
So, after careful consideration, I feel it is necessary to adjust my kitchen behavior and modify the rules somewhat. Therefore, if you enter my kitchen while I am working therein you shall be prepared to:
1. Help me cook
2. Dance with me
3. Stuff dollar bills in my g-string
1. Help me cook
2. Dance with me
A warning will be issued if visitors do not immediately comply. Continued refusal to participate in aforementioned activities will result in a forceable ejection from the premises. The management does not assume responsibility for any resulting damages.
I don't care which one you pick, I leave it to your discretion. Optimally, you'll choose both but I am satisfied with one or the other. One day, my then 13 year old daughter wandered into the doorway, careful not to cross from the carpet to the tile since she had no desire to cook or dance. I continued happily stirring the marinara and getting a little grind going while Santana's "Jingo" played. The child watched then commented, "Gee, Mom. All you need is a pole!"
So, after careful consideration, I feel it is necessary to adjust my kitchen behavior and modify the rules somewhat. Therefore, if you enter my kitchen while I am working therein you shall be prepared to:
1. Help me cook
2. Dance with me
3. Stuff dollar bills in my g-string
LMFAO!!!! I love it!! Here's a $5 bill baby - cause you're worth it!! ;)
Stephanie, at 11:31 AM
give me directions ! I will cook and dance but do I get at least a dollar ? LOL! Just kidding ! Have a good day !
Breazy, at 11:54 AM
Baby, I will dance anywhere you want to go!
But logo doesn't cook, by speciality is handing things out of the fridge.
Oh, and um, all I have right now is some loose change, do you really want that down your pants?
Anonymous, at 11:58 AM
wooo hoooo, an extra bump and grind to snavy
breaz, ya gotta dance at the pole to get the dinero
logo, there is a really crude joke about coin slots inthere somewhere:P
lime, at 12:04 PM
Bsoholic, at 12:13 PM
:-O I am shocked, shocked I say!!
And I like it!!
Limey, honey had me copy and e-mail your teenagers post to him, he REALLY enjoyed that.
word verification-hpjee
sounds like an exclamation
Hpjee!! We are winning!
Anonymous, at 12:19 PM
Grande jetes into Lime's kitchen and hurls self onto the pole, swirling around a few times, then twisting self upside down.....oh fuck, I hate demi bras....fell out again....
S, at 1:07 PM
Lime .. pole schmole just show me the way and I will dance anywhere ! :)
Breazy, at 2:46 PM
nothing like a good mother - daughter bonding time at the ol' stripping pole ...
Thomcat, at 6:12 PM
LMAO thomcat!
Bsoholic, at 10:06 AM
lol, thom and bs are just jonesing for a dinner invitation i can tell:P
lime, at 12:03 PM
Breazy, at 12:09 PM
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