Jumping right into HNT on my first week. A little background is in order. I had hair down to the middle of my back for 18 years. A friend cut it to boy short when my kids brought home head lice from school and no one would help pick over my head and I could not get the nit comb through.....talk about insane! Why did I have such long hair for so long? Basically, it's because hairdressers scare the crap outta me. I feel about them the way most people feel about dentists. This picture is from two years ago after I had about a year's growth back on my supershort, lice-induced cut. My dearest friend was getting married and I reluctantly agreed to get my hair done since I was a bridesmaid. This is me keeping my promise to her, first time in a hairdressers chair in 20 years.....EEEEEEEEEKKKK!!!!!!!

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Happy 1st HNT!!!
Let the 1/2 nekkid insanity begin!!
Stephanie, at 8:57 AM
Rock on! Welcome to HNT. Hope it's all you dreamed it would be. ;)
Bsoholic, at 9:09 AM
I understand your fear. Here's an exerpt from my trip to the Dominican this summer and my adventure at the hair salon to fix my sun fried hair.
It was definitely an adventure. I was really never taught "what to say in a Latin American salon." Must have been sick that day or something. Between they lady cutting my hair trying her hardest to express herself, Mami trying to put what she was saying into words I knew, and my horribly broken Spanish we finally came to an agreement on what to do with my hair. Oops, didn't realize that was the agreement we came to. It looks nice, but it's very different from my straight, unstyled hair that I've always had and always been too afraid to stray away from. I kinda like it...I think it's just so different that I'm having trouble adjusting. The front is shorter, layered almost, to frame my face. The back is long, like always.
Tina, at 10:45 AM
and here I was hoping to see what she keeps under her tydy...hee hee
Anonymous, at 11:13 AM
Happy HNT!
Breazy, at 11:32 AM
Welcome to HNT!!!
Wirthy, at 11:37 AM
i love this pic !!! happy HNT limey !!! here's your chocolate
Thomcat, at 11:54 AM
Welcome to HNT! Hope you keep it going! We want to see more of you!
I've got you listed on the Nekkid roll. Be sure to stop by and check out the rest of the half-nekkid people!
Osbasso, at 11:54 AM
I have joined the madness, eat your hearts out at the almost puppy porn. Let the leg humping begin!
Logophile, at 1:53 PM
nice fro - happy hnt
hydmz - the act of putting stuffed animals in a cave
..., at 2:12 PM
Welcome to HNT! Hope to see more of you in the upcoming weeks.
Scott & Julia, at 3:46 PM
Nice hair missy!
S, at 5:30 PM
I haven't had my hair cut in years! nice pic. cheers and happy hnt!
lecram sinun, at 8:33 PM
Nicely done! Happy HNT!
Robin, at 9:11 PM
You jumped into HNT with a bang. Love the pic, the great smile, the expressiveness.
Great job!
Politically Homeless, at 10:30 PM
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