Supply and Demand
I just got back from the store. I went in with a list of three things and ended up spending fifty dollars.
Anyway here is a list of what I bouhgt and why:
L'Oreal Kids Shampoo -- Because Jessica and Julia thought it would be fun to empty the entire bottle I bought last week into the tub! Bubbles, Mommy!!
A Calculator -- The old one went swimming one day -- I just found it, floating in the bathroom sink. I have a suspect but nobody's talking.
Elmer's Glue -- Because Jessica and Julia feel it is neccessary to glue down stickers!! Stickers -- they stick!!
An Eye Glass Repair Kit -- Because mommy's glasses are way more fun to break than our own! Plus, the itty bitty screwdriver is so cute!!
Doulble A Batteries -- For the -- er -- um -- remote!
Sketch Pad & Charcoal Pencils -- Because I wanted them!
Anyway here is a list of what I bouhgt and why:
L'Oreal Kids Shampoo -- Because Jessica and Julia thought it would be fun to empty the entire bottle I bought last week into the tub! Bubbles, Mommy!!
A Calculator -- The old one went swimming one day -- I just found it, floating in the bathroom sink. I have a suspect but nobody's talking.
Elmer's Glue -- Because Jessica and Julia feel it is neccessary to glue down stickers!! Stickers -- they stick!!
An Eye Glass Repair Kit -- Because mommy's glasses are way more fun to break than our own! Plus, the itty bitty screwdriver is so cute!!
Doulble A Batteries -- For the -- er -- um -- remote!
Sketch Pad & Charcoal Pencils -- Because I wanted them!
lol !!! those 'remotes' must burn through batteries quickly !!!
Thomcat, at 3:00 PM
LMAO, the 'remote' sure can be handy in uh certain situations. ROFL
Bsoholic, at 3:48 PM
what would we gals do without our 'remotes?' be a helluva a lot more insane i think
lime, at 3:52 PM
My one "remote" is waterproof *giggle* and takes C cells, so do all the kids toys...
Now there is an embarassing situation in the making.
Anonymous, at 4:02 PM
My uhhh remote is battery's purple!
S, at 6:37 PM
I'm glad to hear the remote has been taken care of.
Politically Homeless, at 11:13 PM
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