Same S#!%, New Year
The 13 year old Limelette was storming around having a temper tantrum. Daddy read her the riot act and sent her to bed. He proceeded to rant and rave at everyone else who was behaving decently. I asked what his problem was. He said he was tired of 13 year olds acting like 3 year olds. I said, 'So you take that out on the rest of us?' He snarled, 'Yes.' I wondered aloud if it was considered less tiresome for a 43 year old to act like a 3 year old. He was not amused.
Hey, no fair pointing out the
Anonymous, at 9:14 AM
Not amused?? Why ever not??
Stephanie, at 1:10 PM
Darn, I feel like I am home while reading this post ! LOL!
Breazy, at 5:34 PM
Yeh, men tend to be very small in some situations.
However: Wish you a prosperous 2007.
Anonymous, at 6:22 AM
No fair baby. Once we guys hit 40 we can act however we like, it draws the younger chicks like flies round sh...wait...wait forget that analogy. I personally am more mature, I rant and rave like a five year old.
Anonymous, at 10:51 PM
Wow. She's good your honor!
Anonymous, at 5:06 PM
He he too funny!
S, at 5:55 PM
Too funny! Awesome that you wondered out loud...I have a feeling I will be like that too!
Melodie Norman Haas, at 10:41 AM
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